Cellfina is the only FDA cleared Cellulite treatment that can last 3 years or longer and requires only one treatment!
There are no creams that can get rid of cellulite. The only way to confidently eliminate cellulite is to address the cause.
What is Cellfina?
Cellfina is the only minimally-invasive, FDA-approved, single treatment option for Cellulite that improves the appearance of cellulite on the upper thighs and buttocks. Cellfina clears cellulite for two years, though recent studies have shown results can last even longer. Advanced technology releases connective bands that cause dimpling, thus softening the appearance of cellulite. The process involves vacuum suction to aid in the smoothing of the skin to release the bands more easily. Cellfina is not meant to be a weight loss solution but will improve the textural irregularities of the buttocks and upper thighs. Cellfina should definitely be considered for several reasons. Cellfina is affordable and effective. The treatment costs roughly $3,000 depending on seasonal incentives offered at your doctor of choice.
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the dimpling effect on the skin of the thighs and buttocks due to the tethering or pulling down of the skin by bands of vertical connective fibers that run through fat, thereby creating a cottage cheese-like texture. Cellulite is NOT limited to larger women. Cellulite can be an issue for thin women, too. Cellulite worsens with age. This is depressing news. Fortunately, cellulite can be eliminated for up to three years with Cellfina.
Cellfina targets and releases connective bands, allowing the skin to snap back, much like a rubber band being stretched. When released, the skin returns to its normal, relaxed state. Since Cellfina acts on the vertical fibers pulling down on the skin, it should not cause more loose skin. Before Cellfina, little could be done to eliminate cellulite other than a healthy diet and exercise. And these efforts only diminished its appearance! Liposuction and similar procedures can eliminate fat. However, these procedures don’t help with cellulite. Liposuction can actually worsen the appearance of cellulite since the removal of fat can cause more dimpling of the skin itself. Cellfina is the only FDA-approved cellulite treatment that addresses the underlying structural causes of cellulite. That’s why Cellfina is considered the Top Cellulite Treatment on the market.
When Will I See Results?
Results from a Cellfina treatment are visible within three days of your treatment and the results are maintained for years.
Areas That Are FDA Cleared
(1) Upper Thighs
(2) Buttocks
Who Is The Ideal Candidate For Cellfina?
Ideal candidates for Cellfina are healthy women who have cellulite depressions in the thighs or buttocks. Final results from a Cellfina treatment are visible within three days after your treatment ends and results are maintained for years.
Benefits of The Cellfina Cellulite Treatment
(1) Lasts at least two years.
(2) FDA-approved.
(3) Single, in-office procedure.
(4) Significant and rapid improvement.
(5) Minimally-invasive.
(6) Limited downtime.
(7) 94 percent patient satisfaction after twelve months.
Book your consultation to learn more about Cellfina today!